Plakat Betta Cross Black


Experience the mesmerizing beauty of the “Plakat Betta Cross Black” fish. Vibrant black body, flowing fins, and easy to care for. Transform your aquarium into a captivating masterpiece.

Betta fish have a variety of tail types. One simple way to identify a Betta fish is by the length of its tail. Short tails are common in wild type Bettas, as well as Bettas that are bred to fight. Short-finned Bettas, which are also called Plakats, are sometimes bred to have D-shaped tails.

The ancestors of all betta fish, plakat bettas have shorter tails with round or spade shapes. These strong, aggressive betta fish are less prone to injury,Plakat Bettas are carnivorous fish with an appetite for protein! In the wild, bug larvae and live insects are the name of the game



The “Plakat Betta Cross Black” is the ultimate choice for anyone seeking a stunning and captivating addition to their aquarium. With its mesmerizing beauty and unique characteristics, this fish is sure to be the centerpiece of any aquatic display.

Derived from the Indonesian term “Plakat,” meaning “fighting fish,” this Betta fish variety is known for its vibrant colors and fierce nature. The Cross Black variation displays a striking black hue, adding an air of mystery and elegance to its appearance.

The “Plakat Betta Cross Black” boasts an impressive blend of features that make it a must-have for fish enthusiasts. Its flowing fins create a graceful silhouette as it glides through the water, effortlessly capturing attention with each movement. The mesmerizing contrast between the dark body and vibrant fins adds an element of drama and intrigue.

Equipped with an innate elegance, this Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, exudes a sense of confidence that will elevate any aquarium. It is an excellent choice for both novice and experienced fish keepers, as it adapts well to a variety of water conditions and is generally easy to care for.

With its stunning appearance and captivating demeanor, the “Plakat Betta Cross Black” ensures an engaging and dynamic visual experience for aquarium owners. The boldly colored body, coupled with gracefully flowing fins, creates a captivating dance of beauty. This Betta fish variety is the ultimate statement piece for aquatic enthusiasts who desire a touch of sophistication in their underwater world.


  • Vibrant black body
  • Graceful and flowing fins
  • Adaptable to varying water conditions/li>
  • Easy to care for/li>

Bring the allure and elegance of the “Plakat Betta Cross Black” into your aquarium and transform it into a captivating masterpiece. Prepare to be mesmerized by the graceful movements and bold presence of this remarkable fish.